Happy Birthday – My Princess Thayeden
SY Thayeden 27 th June 2022, you turn 6 years old. The first birthday, I will be missing. The situation comprising of rainy season and blockage of roads access across the country especially the national highway between Bumthang-Mongar is too risky to travel being the ongoing widening works in progress. I am extremely sorry for not being able to come there and I have no doubt for you in understanding the situation. 6 years ago on this day, you were born – a little princess of mine and today as you turn 6, you are grown into a beautiful princess of mine. I wish you many more years that you grow intellectually and fulfill all your dreams. You will remain my little princess forever how old you may grow. Today, as you cut your cake and blow away the candlelight, may God bless you with an abundance of strength. The strength to have thoughts for others and the depth of understanding of the nature of life are the signs of your growth. I am no prouder than this to be your dad. The conc...