Monsoonal Sunshine


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In the sky full of stars along with the moon,

Twinkling beautifully that paved the walking path.

As you tend to sit behind the horizon,

This poor soul couldn’t find my way out,

Thus pray for your return and brighten this path.

Dreams filled with your return,

Wind gush to flutter in my direction,

Saying your name, whispering in my ears.

Calls for the aid, calls for the hold, a hug,

That shall soothe the ache of this pour soul.

Early return to be found with another soul,

Killed this poor heart bleeds to death.

As the sun rise, replacing you from above,

When the night falls, you are the waited one.

Looking up in the sky full of clouds,

Remembering those days of sunshine,

Laughter filled with tears rolled down my cheek.

Cherishing those moments with a smile,

Closing the lid of pain evaporating,

Shall wait for your return forever.

Again to shine from above replacing the shining sun,

Shall welcome you with an open heart.

Fortunate was I, to have someone whispered, “I shall never leave you.”

With the warmth I   always longed for.

Twinkling stars smiling, carried a message to the sun,

Gloomy clouds with tears welcoming the entrance of sun,

Brightens the whole valley of the horizon.

Birds chirping, roses blossoming, butterflies dancing, shower the beautiful flowers as they walk the path.

Smiling on the face, uneasiness feeling as they talk,

Lived their life with sweetness every moment.

Never separated what forces be,

Loved unconditionally with an eternal bond.


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