Missing my Baby Thai

With my Bum

Baby Thayeden,

When you are old enough, I fear you asking me why I was not there at that time when you need me with you. You may be awestruck as to why I am not visiting you too often.

Baby, I miss you a lot every single day. I yearn to hold you always but the distance of us does part us. I am told by Ani that you miss me always and do enquire about me. I wish to help you freshen up in the morning, prepare your breakfast, dress you up in your uniform and drop you at school. I like to wait for you to return from school and want to know what you have learned for a day. I want to guide you in your studies and play with you. At the end of the day, I want to read you stories and hold you on my lap till you fall asleep. I want to wish you goodnight and kiss you.

You are now thinking big and asking big questions. Your mindset has enlarged and talking sensibly. You are growing beautifully. I feel sorry that I couldn’t be with you always simply because I am doing the job on other part that made me hard to visit you often. I know it is not a wise decision to stay apart from you at this tender age because of the fact that it may lead you to the thought of not loving you. Baby, there is not a single day without a thought of you. Everything that I am doing is all because I got a reason and that sole reason is you. You make me going when everything falls apart. You give me the strength that I need the most and push me forward to do better. I am trying my very best to keep you happy. 

I am following you in your class through a Telegram Group created by your Class Teacher. I get an update of you from your Ani and your teacher. All have a positive say about you and I am happy that you are shouldering as a Class Captain. Be good and do good as always. 

Love, Apa


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