Once upon a time

                  There was a time;⬎⬎⬎⬎⬎⬎⬎
The elders are respected,
Senior citizens are not abandoned,
The youngers are cared;
Knowledge is always shared.
Crime rates are not that rampant,
Unforeseen condition is what that depends;
Rape cases are not that usually heard,
Murder is what makes everyone scared.
People have to travel,
For services to avail;
Roads were not that good,
But then all is done for the food.
Where nature is treasured,
That can’t be measured;
Environment for the living creatures are maintained,
A lively place for all to sustain.
Animals were treated with humbleness,
The flesh are not eaten with eagerness;
Every life is taken care,
For every life is precious to dare.
Prayers are necessary and mandatorily chanted,
Where the blessings are mainly granted;
God Almighty is always worshipped,
Solving the situation from hardship.
Telephones are used for communication,
Letters are delivered for dissemination;
Post offices are widely spread,
For the nation to lead ahead.
Television was hardly seen,
And  Radio is the medium that has been;
For the daily news and entertainment,
Also for the purpose of infotainment. 
I wish to travel to that Once upon a time zone,
With this generations of people with a phone;
Make them realize how happy it was then,
It was once upon a time, for my dream to travel is in vain. 


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