NOC for De-Sung Training

The Chief Administrative Officer
Personnel & Administration
Mangdechhu Hydroelectric Project Authority
Dangdung, Trongsa

Sub: Requesting NOC for the call of Nation (39th batch Accelerated De-Sung integrated training program)

Respected Dasho,

With the global pandemic of COVID-19 spreading rapidly throughout the world, we are fortunate to live in the safest place on earth under the dynamic leadership of His Majesty the Druk Gyalpo. Our health officials are on the frontline with the support of armed forces and De-Sung personnel. As the country is going through a tough situation, the Integrated De-Sung program is invited from the interested Bhutanese to make a difference in participating in the De-sung program.

The course is of three weeks which starts from 4th May 2020 till 23rd May 2020. The registration for the program will open on 21st April with the requisite of NOC from the head of the organization. For the call of the nation, it was felt necessary that we come forward to contribute in a little way to which I declare my intension to register for the De-Sung program.

Therefore, I would like to request Dasho to consider my willingness for registration and issue me a NOC.

Yours sincerely,

Chenga Penjor
EID: 2640


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