The destination is place where you want to land up after you walk the path, sometimes the journey isn’t that pleased but one has to go through the thorns for the beauty of roses. Seldom we land up with two directions, confused with which way to choose. One directs us to the land of mischievous and others to our destination. Now, which way to choose? Is it our instincts that will guide us to the right path, OR will there be some godly guidance in the right way? A karmic action comes to a play. If you are a believer of a religious point of view, some way or the other you will observe it, either in your dreams OR some invisible forces. For everything we do, there should be some set of goals to be achieved. Some targets need to be set to complete the job before you start a new job. 

I am lost to this world. It becomes difficult to remember what I did yesterday. The task I am assigned to needs to be constantly followed up which is unmanageable sometimes. There is a loss of focus and my destination is lost somewhere midway. I might have chosen the other way which I accept karmically. There are many forces involved in it, viz the peer pressure, family matters, friend zone, etc. Once you are plunged into that hole, the unimaginable darkest hole, it is very difficult to stand and walk the path. The loneliness within, the burning inside, the low feeling circling, the image outside, down looking by others, kills the very sentiment/motivation to get up. A helping hand to pull you up, tap your back, inspire, motivate, speak, share, talk, pick, pull, and push does the great magic. A simple say, “It’s Okie” from the right person gets one going, to all heights of success. 

Sometimes life is not going the way we desire and anticipate. We should accept new challenges, welcome new ideas, and focus on new beginnings. Concentrate, dream, envy, and listen to your heart, good things will happen. Make memories, socialize, talk, and share. This time of us will never return so shall it will never happen again. 

Focus and work hard always.  


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