Vegetarian – results in me.
If someone is looking or maybe wondering how survival is possible without consuming non-veg items. Then take me as the live example. All the living beings put to death by various means electronically developed in such a way that with a single push button, the innocent animals are slaughtered. Many more advanced devices are evolved and many factories are set up to slaughter the animals. There are some places where you won’t find any vegetarian menu. The seafood which is consumed by many, some to the extent of eating it alive are caught from oceans/sea by electrocuting and others by means of hooks/nets. The trends of taking pictures of sea animals before consuming has become some kind of fashion for Bhutanese community without realizing the act is sinful. I feel it is inappropriate and there is no act to feel proud of after all we are consuming the dead bodies of innocent animals. What leads to the rise in a slaughterhouse? It’s definitely due to increasing in demand. Poor animals are ra...