Baby Yee turns 2 (Two)

Birthday Boy, Baby Yee
Dear Yeezhin,

As you have lived two years of your life in this world, I reflect on day zero, where your Mom and myself welcomed you with full of joy. Today the same happiness and smile can be seen while wishing you Happy 2nd Birthday. More than anyone, your Azhim Thayeden is super excited to this day. We love you unconditionally.

You were gifted on this day to us. You are our hero and the lucky charm of your Mom. Your presence with us has opened many opportunities to explore. We have travelled towards the East with you, the far end of Trashiyantse after you were born. Your Mom had her job offered when you were little buds in her womb and she had it greater opportunity at KHEL when you were just a little 1 year old. With you turning two, she is still at KHEL when others are retrenched.

As you are always our hero, you are always loving Nuchu of your Ana.

We love you loads. 


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