Angel in Disguise
Sonam Yoesel Thayeden Thou shall be my best friend, I shall be indebted for thy companion; I like the way it flows, Never-ending ocean shall our ship sail; Roaring with the storms, Fighting with the waves, Hurdling with the currents, Together we shall overcome all the obstacles. Holding your soft hand, Touching your cute little cheeks, Mending your smooth short hair, Caressing your cute little ear, Feeling your small soft lips, Kissing your cute little forehead, Resting you in my arms, Whispering you with the words “I Love You”; With all my heart and soul, Wishing you a good night and sound sleep, Carefully putting you down on your pillow, With your Doll beside thee; Holding your back, hugging thee tight, Patting you lightly with my warmth; Dreams about you falling, Checking on you with perturbing, Thayeden with her pose Realizing it a strange dream, Making me hold you tight, ...