MHPA receives Brunel Award-2020

The Brunel Medal presented to MHPA

Wonders are those who make history written somewhere by someone. It becomes a benchmark for the upcoming generation to look up to and follow suit to stand to it. Yes, it can be achieved individually and as a team too.

MHPA, located in Trongsa Bhutan has created one. In the point of the engineering world, MHPA has achieved wonders. MHPA received Brunel Award – 2020 from the prestigious London-based Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE). The award was given as a mark of excellence in civil engineering. It should be the proudest moment for all those who have engaged in building this mega project – the past and the present employees, contractors, laborers, stakeholders, etc. It was possible due to the hard work, dedication, and sacrifices undergone by every individual.

The first time engineering award recognized internationally in Bhutan, the award was presented by the Indian Ambassador to the Minister of MoEA (Chairman of MHPA) on 5th August 2021. The chairman handed over to MHPA (represented by JMD) congratulating the award to all those who have been involved in shaping this project.

I feel lucky to be part of the team. The team that I shall cherish forever. I remember a young and freshly graduated engineer joining MHPA and returning with full of experiences that were the primary requisite as they embark on the new journey. I miss all my seniors, friends, and juniors at this moment where we could have happily enjoyed the celebrations.

A three-day celebration for the award was organized. Day-1: Dam Colony. Day-2: Dangdung. Day-3: Underground Power House starting 15th August. All the employees, contractors along with their families were invited to the celebrations. It is the day we all should be proud of as reminded by JMD and he commended to thank our family members for understanding us while we were tirelessly working. He thanked all the contractors and dedicated the award to His Majesty the king who has always been the role model to us.

May there be nonstop spinning of turbines generating the revenue exorbitantly.


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