First Day @ KHEL


my better half Samten Zangmo

 Dear Ama, 

 As you step the first ladder of KHEL today, I wish you the very best of luck. I have no doubt that you will excellently perform in whatever sacred responsibilities you will be shouldering shortly since you got a plus point of having an experience from MHPA and THyE. I know you were excited to join KHEL and prove to yourself beyond doubt that you are not mistakenly chosen. Your service shall definitely have an impact on the growth of KHEL as a whole.

Before you join the office, I’ve asked you to offer your prayers at Chorten Kora. I know you will do it and the prayers will be answered anytime soon. Sometimes, we have to be cautious of little things around because there is always a little thing in a bigger thing. I feel it’s important for every individual to do their part in taking care of everything.

I am extremely sorry for not being able to be with you today. You understand me better of my absence. I missed you, our beautiful daughter Thai and our handsome son Yee more today. It’s very empty here without you guys.

You have done enough sacrifices for the sake of our family and I remain indebted for that. I know you are exhausted with the workloads and the home chores but you simply let it flow. I appreciate every decision of yours and respect every action of yours. I am sorry for not being around when you need me.

Whatsoever, life should go on. Be gentle to everyone. Be humble to the needy. Be polite to your colleagues. Be proactive in your work. Be sincere to the protocols. I hope you enjoy working @ KHEL.

Love you loads.

                                                                                               Yours CHENGA 


SZ said…
Thank you for everything that you have done for me. And so Sorry that I read it today only.

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