Certification – Appreciation from DGPC


With Dasho MD

Coinciding with the 42nd Birth Anniversary of His Majesty the King, on 21st February 2022, those from external agencies namely; Bhutan Power Corporation (BPC), Punatsangchhu Hydroelectric Project Authority (PHPA), Mangdechhu Hydroelectric Project Authority (MHPA), Hindcon Limited, and Jaiprakash Associated Limited (JAL) were called for a certification program from DGPC. It was scheduled inside the Dzangdopelri of Chukhha and Dasho MD and DGPC Directors were present.

The day was sunny and the cool breeze of Chukhha was gushing on top of the Dzangdopelri. I can sense the excitement of all the participants. I can glance at the overall overview of Chukhha town towards the north, an astonishing view of the switchyard of Chukhha towards the east and the outfall of CHP, and the access road to the site in the south and west direction respectively. It was an awesomely refreshing view after so many working days. 

After prostration, we were made to seat inside the Dzagdopelri. After some time Dasho and the group arrived. We respectfully stood up and greeted Dasho. For the smooth function, a prayer led by Dzangdopelri Lam was recited. All were seated and HR has announced the certification program. Dasho graced the occasion with the prayers of a long life of His Majesty. He reiterated the visions of His Majesty of which he was proud of these groups where almost all the works are completed by the Bhutanese. He thanked for the service we all have rendered and the hard work of all that has succeeded in overcoming the obstacles of HRT.

Then the certificate distribution proceeded. One by one, the names are read out, and respectfully, individuals were awarded the certificates. I was waiting for my name to be called and I informed my seat partner to get the clear shot of me receiving from Dasho. All the names were read and the announcement for suja/desi outside the Dzongdopelri was announced to which I realize that my name was missing. Dasho and Directors were to be served inside the Dzangdopelri.

I regretfully stood up and join outside where I called HR and claimed that I was missed in receiving the certificate. He was very concerned and told me that my name should be on top of the list and it got misplaced. After some time, he came with a certificate to which I jokingly told him that I am not receiving it from Dasho HR and instead I want it from Dasho MD. He apologized and went inside to inform Dasho that one got missed out. Dasho immediately stood up and said we have missed the certificate of one of the important person. He happily stood up and shook my hands and hugged me and presented my certificate. We posed for a photo shoot, where he asked HR to snap it from his phone too. Dasho removed his face mask for the photoshoot. He asked me to sit with the Directors inside and I was offered a seat with the Directors. I quietly remain seated and enjoyed suja/desi with DGPC management.

I was overjoyed with such a rare opportunity. 


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