Letter to Young Chenga

Little ME
My Dear Chenga,

If you are reading this, I am glad that you are old enough to understand the way life goes on and you may be wondering the changes you observe is too amazing to realize for the fact that you are doing fine with these changes. You are now good enough to know that the world is too small unlike you have thought to be a giant big globe like you have studied in geography class. It has become a click of a hand that you can reach every corner of the world, connect with every person wherever they are in every part of the world. 

Every question will be answered and there isn't a question unanswered with your phone in hand. Unlike your time then, when you need to visit the library OR consult a learned person to get your assignment done/your homework completed, today you can do it sitting on your own with your mobile phone. Do you remember that you used to write a letter to your friends and make a pen pal from different schools? All the schools used to participate in making unknown friends through writing. When it's exam time, Wishing Cards will be sent and similarly, Birthday cards will be given.  Now it all came to a point that within seconds you can reach to every friend. You can make friends online and chat online. You can send messages online and offline (SMS). You can ever poke and comment on the pictures. You will no longer see the Card nowadays and it has become obsolete.  

You used to play a toy car made out of wood. In school, you used to play a ball made using a sock that you used to call it Bak-Tang Ball (Ball made of Cloths). During interval time all will be engaged with a game viz:
  • Apa-Duto (8 nos of holes will be dug on the ground filled with small pebbles)
  • Aag-Dup (with 5 nos. pebbles)
  • Chung-key (a bundle of rubber will be bunched together and played)
  • Marble
  • Pencil Game (where pencils will be laid on the table and the player will aim at it with compass)
Today if you observe, you won't see any of it and no kids play such games. Football is played on mobile, Racing cars are played online, War games are played on mobile, etc. All are busy with video games and online games. Life has become easier these days with no physical movement, not exposed to dust and sun. But is it good to be on screen all the time? From the point of waking up till the time you close your eyes, all are exposed to screen. 

Do you remember that, during festivals like Tshechus and Losars, you are excited/eager to go out with friends? Early in the morning, parents would prepare porridge (Thukpa) followed by Tea and then Special menus. You would enjoy your share of foods and dress up with your favorite Gho. Your parents would give you Nu. 3 (at the max Nu. 5 if you were lucky) so that you buy your favorite candies. Today, the favorite attire has become fancy Jeans with Shirts. The parents are busy with the screen that they hardly spend time with their kids. The tradition of having Thukpa early in the morning has declined. Hardly they go outside to enjoy the day. Nu. 5 has no value these days. Children these days are made to eat food to a point that they are fed by their parents with a mobile phone in their hand. 

Television is hardly seen in your time that you have to make an appointment with the owner. You make a group and go to their home to watch when at the end you need to pay them some amount that will be collected among your friends. Now you will see all are having a TV in their home. 

Life has become so easy these days. You can do shopping from your home and it will be delivered to your doorstep. With a card in hand, you can do everything with just a click. 

I love you and will always love you. Be great and do flow with the flow of life. Be the person you are not what others want you to be.

With Love.
Sr. Chenga


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