PC: Google "A payment or concession to stimulate greater output or investment" is what the dictionary defines incentive. The word INCENTIVE rings in every ear of MHPAians since from July-2019. It was from that time that it was heard and never materialize until November-2019. Finally, the much-awaited news was out with office order circulated for the disbursement of the incentive to all the employees who have served MHPA as on 30th September 2019. Many have planned as to how to utilize the amount in the best way a long time back. By now I am petty sure that all the plans are forgotten. It has perfectly served as an example of "Never to Count the Chickens before it's hatched". Nevertheless, it is always good to have it planned and keep it ready when the right time comes. For the order to come into life, it has gone through so many deliberations and proposals after proposals. Firstly, it was proposed by MHPA management to the Authority meeting t...