Statutory Warnings

PC: Goggle
Have you ever wondered why there is a statutory warning in every harmful item that you consume? The statutory warnings like 'Chewing of Pan Masala is injurious to health', 'Chewing of Supari is injurious to health', 'Cigarette Smoking is injurious to health', 'Smoking Kills',,,.... etc. It has made mandatory to print on the pack so that the consumers are warned accordingly. 
Lately, I have been very conscious to read the labels particularly the ingredients because my daughter is allergic in Diary content and I am suffering from Pre-High Blood Pressure. 

Now, who gives a damn?
Nobody. Most of all don't even dare to read it anyways. It is for the fact that it is harmful and got the side effects in consuming. But then the opposite part of the fact is that these items are sold widely and consumed by all. More than 1 billion people around the world consume tobacco. The statistic shows that tobacco-related death in the world comes to around 1,300 people every day. Tobacco is consumed in different ways; Chew, Smoke, Sniff, Injected, etc..

The question to be asked is, Why?
Despite the known facts and figure, why is it that the consumption is at large? 
It all goes to the early days (as learned in the schools) when Guru Rinpochhe was spreading Buddhism around the world. The devils and demons subdued by Guru has an evil prayer that 'Let there be a plant grown abundantly and let it be consumed by all range of the people. When they consume it, let there be more deaths/chaos and let there be a disturbance to the heavenly abode'. Truthfully it was grown everywhere and consumed by all. It is believed that the smoke will agitate the heavenly gods and demigods. The spitting will interrupt the spirits and will affect the earthly world. 

Keeping those in mind, Bhutan has banned all the tobacco-related items in June-2010. 
Did that help in the reduction of smokers?
If you look around, then you will notice the decline of the smokers in the open space. But then if you go around the corners, one will see the smokers (mostly youths) that will make you question, how far the rule applies? It is only making the black market rampant by doubling the price. If you look and go around to buy a cigarette, every Pan shop sells a cigarette and if you ask why they do it, there will be the same answer "It is much profitable in this business". It has become kind of a fashion to smoke and consume pan masalas amongst the youths. Rajnigandha, Wiz, Supari, and Cigarette consumptions are on rise. 

I, for instance, have consumed pan masalas before and have smoked a cigarette in my college days. I don't want to make my readers bog down if you are one of the users. My sole intention is to discourage you all to not to consume any tobacco related items henceforth. 

Best wishes...


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