Appointment Offer from DGPC

It came to the realization that 'Appointment Order' and 'Appointment Offer' are two different terms referring to two completely different meaning. The later has been offered after the declaration of results (Interview) from DGPC to those selected candidates (125 Nos.) mentioning the details of Individual, Conduct and Discipline and General Rules (total of 3 pages). 

Dear Chenga Penjor (as addressed on the offer letter) 
Grade: M2. 
Designation: Deputy Executive Engineer (Civil)
Basic Pay as on 30th June 2019: 28195
Pay scale: 23995-600-38995
Next promotion due date: 01-July-2023 etc..........

All are place on deemed deputation from DGPC to MHPA and shall continue to be on the role of MHPA without prejudice to the grade, pay and allowances till such time the MHPA is dissolved and handed over to the DGPC. The MHPA service tules shall continue till such time. It was a piece of good news for all the freshers who joined MHPA (1st service in MHPA) because the date of joining in MHPA is considered as the date of joining in DGPC. I was on an advantage side for the fact that I joined MHPA right after graduation although there are 6 months of disadvantage side while fixing the next increment due to the calculation cycle. Majority of the selected candidates are raising the issue of not considering their past experiences, only to be denied by Director (HR) saying it has created a hell lot of trouble in Tala and that experience shall not be repeated here. These have created an ambiguity amongst the candidates, like someone who is selected as a higher post is downgraded (due to insufficient experience in MHPA), someone who is working as a Junior became senior after applying mandatory 5 years 6 months service for promotion (DGPC rules). 
Officials are given with six increments whose appointment date is prior to March 30, 2017. Those lucky candidates who will be serving 5 years and six months as on 30th June 3019 are given with one promotion as per DGPC promotion rules.  
Many issues related to the consideration of the past working experiences have been raised during the brief meeting with Director (HR) on April 20. Original Appointment Offer signed by Director (HR) were given to the individual to be signed and returned latest by 23rd April 2019 (if not) it will stand canceled. I did my part on that day 20.04.2019 Signed (Accepted the Offer) and returned. 

Now I am an employee of DGPC working in MHPA w.e.f 20th April 2019. 


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