My Stand against the EOT due to PRH

Pressure Relief Holes (PRH) of 76mm dia has been drilled and the PVC pipes been installed at my site where and when required. PRH is provided in the high-stress zone logically to release the inbuilt ground pressure when the tunnel is bored below the high cover. It also serves the purpose of Drainage holes when there is a presence of  Groundwater. Upon the suggestion by the Project Geologist, we have drilled a PRH of various length ranging from 6 m to 12 m 76 mm dia. in several locations of High-Stress Zone of Face-IV. There is a BoQ item and the provision of PRH has been clearly mentioned in the contract documents which will be discussed in the later stage. 

Contractor's stand: 
  1. Drilling of PRH is beyond the scope of work and there is nowhere mentioned in the Tender Drawing that PRH should be drilled.
  2. PRH has done as per the instruction of Geologist.
  3. Drilling of 76 mm dia has consumed much time.
My Justification:
  • As per the Tender document Vol-I of V (pg 438/499) in the Construction Methodology given by the Contractor, it states that "Exploratory/drainage hole/pressure relief holes of required dia will be provided as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge to release the water pressure." It has clearly stated and work has been executed as per the site condition.
  • In the cycle time of HRT Excavation (pg 134/499 Vol-I) which the contractor has committed, a total of 6 hrs. has kept for miscellaneous work (forepoling, pre-grouting). Since in our case, forepoling and pregrouting was not done but PRH has been installed. In a cycle, 3 Nos. of PRH are installed that comes to around 120 mins per PRH. Whereas as per our DPR for a complete cycle it too only 54 minutes. 
  • In the Tender drawing (July 2011) of Additional Measures for Tunneling in Poor Reaches, it was mentioned in Notes, bullet no. 2. "Pre-Drainage Holes (up to 20 m Length) may be required if ingress of water is significant". 
  • Moreover, the work has been executed in 2015. This is the 3rd EOT granting to the Contractor. This issue was not raised and it was questioned for the logic behind its lateness.
A total of 2234 m length of PRH has been executed in Face-IV. 
After incorporating all the delays attributable the EOT goes up to 30th January 2019. A contractor has given a notice of their completion of work on 18th of which 17 days of LD should be imposed on the contractor.

The EOT due to Drilling of PRH is found not eligible.


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